Legal Notice


Information as required by German Law
Online fashion guide

Friedelstrasse 23

12047 Berlin



Represented by
Emilie Trochu


Liability for Online Content

The contents of our website have been produced with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we do not accept liability for any incomplete or inaccurate information displayed on the website. As a web content provider, we are obliged by German law (§7 pp.1 TMG) to take responsibility for the content of this website, but we are freed from obligations to monitor information provided to us by third parties, whether it is saved as part of our website or solely linked to on it (§8 – §10 TMG). Nor are we required to check information provided for possible wrongdoing. This does not affect any of our other obligations to delete or block access to certain types of content. We are only responsible for doing so, however, once we have been alerted to an actual breach of the law; we will remove any illegal content as soon as we are informed of our obligation to do so.

Liability for Hyperlinks

Our website contains hyperlinks to other websites run by third parties. Since we cannot influence the content of these websites in any way, we cannot accept any liability whatsoever for contents on these pages. Although only the person defined by law as responsible for a website can be held liable for its contents, we nevertheless make every effort to make sure that sites which we link to do not break the law in any way at the time at which we publish the link. We do not link to any sites which are visibly in breach of the law, yet we cannot be expected to carry out running checks on the sites to which we link, unless we have reason to believe that illegal activity may be taking place. Should we learn of any clear breaches of the law, we will be sure to remove links to the third party in question as soon as possible.


All content on these webpages produced by us in our capacity of operators of this website is subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of commercial use of this content requires our written consent as creators or producers of it. All downloads and copies of this site are only allowed after we have given explicit written consent. Any downloads from or copies of this website are only allowed for personal use. Content which has not been created or produced by us is labelled as such; the rights of copyright holders for this material remain unchanged. Should you notice a breach of copyright, please contact us immediately and we will remove the content concerned as soon as we can.

Data Protection

In most cases, it is entirely possible to use our website without providing any personal information. Any personal data which is recorded via our website (e.g. names, addresses or e-mail addresses) will, as a general rule, only be recorded following an express request to the users concerned and is entirely voluntary on their part. Any data recorded using our website will not be provided to third parties without the express consent of the users concerned.

We would like to remind users that data transfer using the internet (e.g. in the form of e-mail) can be unsafe. We cannot offer any data security guarantees regarding information communicated to or by us.

We would also like to inform users that the contact details published here are not to be used for direct marketing, unless we explicitly request information on products or services. We reserve the right to pursue the senders of unsolicited advertisements and nuisance or spam correspondence to the full extent of the law.

Data Protecting Statement

(use of facebook plug-ins – like button)

Our website contains plug-ins originating from Facebook (1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA); these plug-ins can be identified by either the Facebook logo or the “Like” button. An overview of Facebook plug-ins can be found here: Whilst using our site, a direct connection will be established between your browser and Facebook servers, which will be informed that you have visited our website using your IP address. If you are logged into your Facebook account whilst visiting our site, you can link our site to your Facebook profile by clicking on the Like button. In so doing, you will inform Facebook that you have visited our website whilst logged into your Facebook account. However, as website operators we have no further knowledge of the exact nature of data transferred to Facebook servers, nor of the manner in which Facebook uses this data. If you wish to find out more, please read Facebook’s data protection policy:

If you do not wish to allow Facebook to link your visit to our site to your Facebook profile, be sure to log out of your Facebook account before visiting our site.

Source: eRecht24 disclaimer (German), Facebook data protection policy


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